Transforming Trash to Treasure: The Ultimate Guide to Recycling Junk Car Parts

In a world increasingly conscious of sustainability and environmental preservation, recycling has become a key player in the global effort to reduce waste. Among the various items recycled, junk car parts represent a unique opportunity not only to mitigate environmental harm but also to contribute positively to the automotive industry. This guide dives into the significance of recycling junk car parts, exploring its benefits for Eco-conscious drivers, automotive enthusiasts, environmental activists, and profit seekers alike.

Call 317-218-7133 to Recycle Junk Car Parts in Indianapolis
Call 317-218-7133 to Recycle Junk Car Parts in Indianapolis

The Environmental Impact of Junk Cars

Every year, millions of vehicles reach the end of their life cycle, often abandoned or left to rust in junkyards. These junk cars, if left untreated, pose a significant environmental threat, leaking hazardous fluids into the ground and releasing toxic substances into the air. The act of recycling these vehicles significantly diminishes their environmental footprint, conserving resources, and reducing the need for new raw materials.

By reclaiming metals, plastics, and other materials, we can lessen the demand on Earth’s dwindling resources and decrease the overall energy consumption associated with manufacturing new auto parts.

The Process of Recycling Junk Car Parts

Recycling a junk car is a complex process that involves several steps. Initially, the vehicle is de-polluted, removing all hazardous materials and fluids. Next, valuable parts such as engines, transmissions, and alternators are dismantled and refurbished for resale.

The remaining shell of the car is then crushed and shredded, separating the metal from other materials for recycling. This meticulous procedure not only ensures that as much of the car is recycled as possible but also supports the automotive repair and restoration industry by supplying them with affordable, Eco-friendly auto parts.

Innovative Uses for Recycled Car Parts

The creativity in repurposing junk car parts is boundless. Automotive enthusiasts and Eco-conscious innovators have found numerous ways to give these materials a second life. From crafting furniture out of old seats and shelving with exhaust parts to converting car bodies into unique garden planters, the potential for upcycling is vast. Additionally, some Eco-friendly vehicle modifications rely on recycled parts, further emphasizing the role of sustainability in the automotive world.

The Economics of Junk Car Recycling

Beyond environmental benefits, recycling junk car parts offers compelling financial advantages. For car owners, selling a non-operational vehicle to a recycling facility can provide an unexpected source of income. Similarly, businesses within the automotive industry, from mechanics to car restoration experts, benefit from the lower costs of refurbished parts. The recycling industry itself is a significant economic contributor, providing employment opportunities and supporting local economies.

How Individuals Can Contribute

Participation in junk car recycling is accessible to everyone, from everyday car owners to dedicated automotive enthusiasts. Properly disposing of an end-of-life vehicle at a certified recycling facility is a straightforward yet impactful way to contribute.

Additionally, opting to purchase recycled parts for car repairs or restoration projects not only saves money but also supports sustainable automotive practices. By making conscious choices, individuals can play a crucial role in promoting the cycle of reuse and recycling within the industry.


Recycling junk car parts is more than just an environmentally friendly practice—it’s a comprehensive approach to sustainability that benefits the planet, the automotive industry, and individuals alike. By understanding the importance of this process and actively participating in it, we can help ensure a greener future for generations to come. Whether you’re an Eco-conscious driver, an automotive enthusiast, or someone looking to make a positive impact, your efforts in supporting junk car recycling can make a significant difference. Together, we can transform trash into treasure and drive towards a more sustainable world.

Are you trying to get the highest possible price for your scrap auto parts? We will give you top dollar in return. Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to recycle junk car parts in Indianapolis, Indiana for cash on the spot. We provide free towing for junk cars.

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The Average Cost of Car Engine Replacement

The humming heart of your car, nestled beneath the hood, epitomizes the soulful synergy that propels you on highways and in city streets. Yet, when that heartbeat falters and the storm of engine troubles hits, it’s essential to know the lay of the land. Whether you’re the operator of a trusty old sedan, the proud owner of a classic convertible, or the one who turns the key on a newly minted machine, understanding the potential financial gale of car engine replacement costs is more than a precaution—it’s a necessity.

For those who have been through many commutes and those who love the feeling of a new car, the process of engine replacements can be overwhelming. This detailed guide helps you understand the costs involved and provides strategies to save money when your car’s engine needs repair.

Call 317-218-7133 to Recycle a Broken Car Engine in Indianapolis
Call 317-218-7133 to Recycle a Broken Car Engine in Indianapolis

Understanding the Variables of Engine Prices

The price one pays for an engine’s renewed vigor is as varied as the vehicles it powers. It’s a sum as influenced by the type of engine—be it a robust V8, an innovative flex-fuel engine, a standard diesel, or the economic elegance of a 4-cylinder—as it is by the hands that fit it into your car. Labor, engine complexity, and the eternal debate of used versus new engines are compass points you must chart before setting sail for the garage.

Type of Car and Engine Size

A mass-produced vehicle seeks the sweet spot in the bell curve of cost and availability, which typically translates to a moderate engine replacement fee. In contrast, luxury and niche market vehicles often spike the price, a testament to their rarity and the craftsmanship required for their engines.

Labor Costs and Complexity

An engine swap is a delicate dance, with numerous components and systems entwined with the heart of your car. The more intricate the machinery, the higher the labor costs soar. Make, model, and year play a significant part, with newer advanced vehicles commanding sophisticated engine management systems that need expert hands and more time to manage.

New vs. Used Engines

The age-old debate isn’t devoid of wisdom. A new engine is pristine, assured of quality, but brand newness radiates steep price tags. Used engines, while more affordable, cast uncertain shadows on their history and preservation. The choice unfurls when assessing your vehicle’s future and your purse’s present.

The Cost of Engine Replacement

The financial challenges you encounter may range from a minor issue to a major crisis, depending on the scale of your car’s engine problem. The average replacement cost can lay between the cinders of $4,000 and the glowing embers of $8,000, flaring higher for premium lineages or the latest tech marvels.

A Wide Cope

The significant disparity between your potential budget and desired expenditure range is substantial. Basic replacements may fit the lower price range, while the premium high-end encompasses luxurious and sophisticated engine models, like those featured in sports and high-performance vehicles.

Comparative Sampling

Engine replacement costs paint a rich mosaic across the automobile industry, chiseled by factors such as the brand’s reputation, dealership or independent garage selections, and even regional economic disparities. You might notice the refined heart of a Honda, which stands in contrast to the price tag of a sturdy Ford, or the sophistication of an Audi that surpasses both in the realm of engine replacement finesse.

Incidental Influences

The impact of costs extends beyond the car model to the location of the garage you choose. Getting repairs done in urban areas can be pricier due to the economic environment, whereas an independent mechanic’s shop might provide a more cost-effective solution.

Tips for Saving on Engine Replacement

Knowledge plays a vital role in successfully navigating the myriad challenges that come with owning a car. Whether it’s understanding the intricacies of vehicle maintenance or making informed decisions about engine replacements, having the right information at your disposal can save you time, money, and unnecessary stress.

Regular Maintenance

The most enjoyable journey is one where you don’t have to worry about the expense of replacing the engine. By regularly changing the oil, checking the cooling system, and listening closely to the engine, you can postpone – or even avoid – the eventual engine wear that leads to expensive repairs.

Salvage Yards and Used Engines

“Pre-owned” doesn’t necessarily mean inferior quality. A carefully maintained used engine, salvaged from a vehicle, can breathe new life at a much more economical cost than a brand-new one. It’s a viable choice to explore, as long as one assesses its potential before encountering any mechanical issues.

Quotes and Comparisons

In moments of desperation, a single quote can be a beacon of hope. However, seeking quotes from various sources can unveil a range of prices, both surprising and delightful. This diversity creates a tapestry from which the most favorable cost can be celebrated.

Navigating the DIY Route

Having a precise approach to adding salt and a methodical mindset, choosing the DIY path sparks both excitement and financial benefits. Selecting engine replacements outside of professional services could reduce expenses by fifty percent, though not without potential risks and time commitment.

When Engine Costs Exceed the Value of the Car Itself

Stopped by the reality of a repair expense that exceeds the market value of your vehicle, it’s a tough financial situation. When cars are bound for the scrapyard, exploring alternatives beyond regular maintenance can shift the discussion to different solutions.

Salvage Sales and Total Loss Vehicles

When repair costs exceed the value of the vehicle, insurance companies usually step in. When cars are considered total losses, salvage yards provide an alternative solution. They offer a quick payout option, simplifying the process of evaluating cars and determining repair costs. For the under-insured, the scrapyard might be the final destination. It’s a place where the engine, and sometimes the whole vessel, ventures from the murky depths to salvage what it may.

In Summary

In summary, understanding the landscape of engine replacement is key to navigating the often complex and costly world of vehicle maintenance and repair. By being informed about the type of engine, labor costs, and the pros and cons of new versus used engines, you can make decisions that align with both your vehicle’s needs and your financial situation.

Additionally, exploring cost-saving strategies like regular maintenance, considering used engines from salvage yards, and comparing quotes can make a significant difference in managing these expenses. Remember, knowledge is your most valuable tool in ensuring that your car remains a source of joy and adventure, not financial stress. Stay informed, stay curious, and drive on!

Looking for a trustworthy auto salvage yard in Indiana that will provide the best possible price for your scrap vehicle? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to learn how it works when it comes to selling a totaled car for cash on the spot in Indianapolis. We provide free junk car towing, so all you need to do is call!

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The Art of Repurposing: Creative Uses for Junk Car Parts

In a world increasingly conscious about sustainability and greener living, repurposing junk car parts is emerging as an innovative and resourceful practice. But think beyond the scrapyard and auto recycling; this art form has been attracting attention from designers, artists, and DIY enthusiasts alike who see potential in what others consider waste.

This blog post delves into the fascinating world of transforming junk car parts into stunning pieces of art, quirky home décor, and even functional furniture. Let’s embark on this journey and discover how discarded auto components from the scrapyard can find a new lease on life.

Call 317-218-7133 to Sell Scrap Car Parts in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-218-7133 to Sell Scrap Car Parts in Indianapolis Indiana

The Beauty of Junk Car Parts

It’s no secret that junk cars are an eyesore and a nuisance for many. However, with a bit of creativity and vision, these seemingly useless vehicles can be repurposed into something truly remarkable. While some may see rusted metal and worn-out tires, others see potential in the unique shapes, textures, and colors of these auto parts. From the sleek curves of a car hood to the intricate designs on a radiator, there is beauty in every part waiting to be discovered.

The Process of Repurposing

So how does one go about repurposing junk car parts? The process usually starts at an auto scrapyard, where salvaged vehicles are dismantled and broken down into individual components. These parts are then sold to junk car buyers who may use them for their original purpose or repurpose them into something entirely new. The possibilities are endless, and it all depends on one’s imagination and skills.

Creative Uses for Junk Car Parts

One of the most common ways to repurpose junk car parts is by turning them into unique pieces of art. For example, old car hoods can be painted and hung on a wall to create a striking mural. Other parts like headlights, grilles, and bumpers can be used to create elaborate 3D sculptures or even functioning lamps. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is one’s creativity.

Functional Furniture from Junk Car Parts

Apart from art and décor, junk car parts can also be repurposed into functional furniture pieces. Old car seats can be transformed into stylish chairs, and tires can be turned into unique coffee tables or ottomans. With a bit of welding and upholstery skills, the possibilities are endless.

The Importance of Auto Parts Recycling

In addition to the artistic and functional uses of junk car parts, repurposing them also has a positive impact on the environment. Auto parts recycling gives these components a new life. As a result, it reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and decreases our carbon footprint. Automotive scrap metal recycling is a win-win situation for both our planet and our wallets.

If you have junk car parts lying around and taking up precious space in your storage, bring them to a local auto scrapyard and sell them for cash on the spot! Not only can you contribute to the auto part recycling initiative, but you can make some money while doing it too!


The art of repurposing junk car parts not only showcases creativity but also promotes sustainability by reducing waste and giving new life to discarded items. So, the next time you see a junk car, don’t just see it as an eyesore but envision the hidden potential within its parts. Who knows, you may just create a masterpiece out of what was once considered scrap. Or you might earn a fast profit at a local junk car buying lot when you recycle old car parts! Either way, let’s continue to explore and embrace the beauty of repurposing junk car parts. 

Do you have old, used, or defective auto parts that you wish to recycle in Indianapolis? Why not get paid cash on the spot while doing it? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to get a quote from an experienced Indianapolis junk car buyer who will pay you the highest cash payout for junk auto parts in Central Indiana. If you want to sell a whole junk car, we will pick it up for free!

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Blown Car Engine: Causes, Indicators, and Solutions

A blown car engine is a phrase that no motorist wants to hear. It often signifies a critical problem, leading to costly repairs or even a complete engine replacement. This blog post aims to shed light on the causes and indicators of a blown car engine and explore effective solutions to manage such situations.

We’ll delve into the complexities of car engine mechanics to understand what could cause the devastating blow to your vehicle’s heart – the engine, the warning signs to look out for, and what practical steps can be taken when the worst happens. Whether you’re a seasoned driver or a car novice, understanding these aspects can save you time, money, and potentially your vehicle.

Call 317-218-7133 to Scrap a Car in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-218-7133 to Scrap a Car in Indianapolis Indiana

What Causes a Blown Car Engine?

A car engine is an intricate system with numerous moving parts and constant interaction between them. With regular maintenance, car engines can run smoothly for years. However, several factors can cause a blown car engine, some of which are preventable.


The most common cause of a blown car engine is overheating. When the engine runs at high temperatures, it can cause severe damage to internal components, leading to a blown engine. Most modern cars have built-in temperature sensors that trigger a warning light on the dashboard when the engine is running too hot. This warning should never be ignored and warrants immediate attention.

Lack of Oil or Low Oil Pressure

Another common cause of a blown car engine is a lack of oil or low oil pressure. Oil acts as the engine’s lubricant, keeping all the moving parts functioning smoothly. Without enough oil, these components can overheat and seize up, causing irreparable damage to the engine.

Faulty Belts or Hoses

Belts and hoses play critical roles in a car’s engine, keeping it running smoothly and efficiently. However, over time, they can wear out and break, leading to a blown engine. It’s essential to have these components checked regularly and replaced when necessary to avoid serious engine damage.

Overloading or Improper Maintenance

Overloading your car with heavy cargo or failing to perform regular maintenance on your vehicle can also lead to a blown car engine. When the engine is under excessive strain or not adequately cared for, it can cause severe damage to the internal components, leading to a blown engine.

Indicators of a Blown Car Engine

Early detection of potential engine issues is crucial in preventing a blown car engine. Here are some warning signs that could indicate your car engine is in trouble:

☑ Strange noises, such as knocking, grinding, or hissing sounds
☑ Engine warning light on the dashboard
☑ Decreased engine power and performance
☑ Thick smoke coming from the exhaust pipe

If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to get your vehicle checked by a mechanic immediately.

Solutions for a Blown Car Engine

Unfortunately, once a car engine is blown, there are limited options for repair. In most cases, a complete engine replacement is necessary, which can be a costly and time-consuming process. You may be able to lower the cost of a new car engine by selling your blown engine to a scrap metal recycling center or auto salvage yard. 

In some cases, a blown car engine means a total loss for your vehicle. This can happen when the cost of car engine repair or replacement exceeds the current market value, or actual cash value (ACV) of your car. In this case, you can also sell your totaled car to a junk car buyer in Indianapolis for cash on the spot, then put that cash toward a new ride.

How to Avoid Engine Breakdowns

Although there is not much recourse for a blown motor, there are some solutions that may help prevent a blown car engine or mitigate the damage if it does occur.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your car running smoothly and preventing serious engine issues. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, including oil changes, belt and hose replacements, flushes, and overall engine inspections.

Keep an Eye on Engine Temperature

As mentioned earlier, overheating is a common cause of a blown car engine. Make sure to monitor your engine temperature regularly using the built-in sensors or a separate gauge. If you notice the temperature rising above normal levels, pull over immediately and let the engine cool down before continuing.

Address Warning Signs Promptly

If you notice any warning signs of a potential blown car engine, don’t ignore them. Addressing issues early on can save you from costly repairs or a complete engine replacement in the future.


A blown car engine is a severe issue that no driver wants to experience. By understanding the causes and warning signs, you can take preventative measures to avoid a blown engine. Regular maintenance, monitoring engine temperature, and addressing warning signs promptly are all crucial in keeping your car’s engine running smoothly for years to come.

If the worst does happen, consult with a trusted mechanic for the best course of action to get your vehicle back on the road. Remember, taking care of your car’s engine is essential for its longevity and your safety on the road.  So, be mindful of these causes and indicators to keep your car running smoothly. 

Ready to wash your hands clean of that totaled car and it’s blown engine? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to sell your junk car in Indianapolis for cash on the spot! We serve all of Central Indiana with FREE JUNK CAR REMOVAL! And we pay more than the other guys!

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Creative Ways to Reuse Parts From a Junk Car

When most people think of a junk car, they probably envision an old and rusty heap of metal sitting in the junkyard. But what many don’t realize is that these cars can still be used for something other than scrap. In fact, there are countless creative ways to reuse parts from old, junk cars! From making furniture to creating art pieces, there is no shortage of ideas when it comes to automotive recycling. Continue reading to learn some fun and inspiring ways you can repurpose your old car parts and give them a new life.

Call 317-218-7133 to Get Paid Instant Cash for Junk Car Scraps in Indianapolis
Call 317-218-7133 to Get Paid Instant Cash for Junk Car Scraps in Indianapolis

How to Recycle Auto Parts in Create Ways

Furniture: Believe it or not, junk car parts can be used to make all sorts of unique furniture pieces. From coffee tables and chairs to desks and shelves, you can get creative with your design and come up with one-of-a-kind pieces that will give any room a bold statement. You can combine car parts like wheels, headlights, doors, bumpers, and engines into whatever type of furniture you want – the possibilities are endless!

Art: If you’re feeling especially artistic, then why not turn your old junk into a work of art? Car parts can be reshaped or colored to create sculptures, reliefs, or abstract works of art. All it takes is a little bit of imagination and some basic tools.

Garden Decor: If you’re looking for an Eco-friendly way to spruce up your garden, why not try using car parts? For example, you can use a wheel rim as a planter or use the headlights as lighting fixtures. You can even make birdhouses out of old doors! The options are limitless when it comes to creative ways to reuse parts from your old junk cars.

Yard Sale: Sometimes, someone else’s trash really is another’s treasure. Perhaps if you cannot muster up any more ideas for repurposing your junk car fragments, try selling them in a garage sale. It is quite possible that another person will need whatever part you have, whether for a creative project or an actual, automotive restoration!

Get Creative With Automotive Recycling

No matter your purpose, auto recycling is a great way to repurpose materials and give them a second life. With some imagination and ingenuity, you can take old junk cars and transform them into something completely new! Next time you’re thinking of getting rid of that pile of scrap metal, consider some of these creative ways to reuse parts from old, junk cars. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the unique and inspiring creations you can make.

What to Do With Your Junk Car Scraps

Automotive scrap is not just an eyesore, but also a potential hazard. It is always better to dispose of them properly. Proper disposal can save you time, money, and most importantly, protect the environment. Whether you’re looking for a way to get rid of an old vehicle in your backyard or looking to dispose of junk cars professionally, knowing what to do with leftover scraps is essential.

One of the safest and most environmentally safe methods of junk car scrap disposal is to sell them to a local auto scrap yard in Indianapolis. If you find a reputable Cash for Cars Company to do business with, they should be able to recycle your junk car scraps in accordance with all EPA regulations and industry best standards –plus pay you for cash in return!

Would you like to make it easy on yourself by selling your junk car and automotive scraps for cash on the spot? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to recycle automotive scrap in Indianapolis and get paid cash on the spot. We serve all of Central Indiana and offer free junk car removal. Best of all, we pay more than the other guys!

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7 Tips for Finding the Best Buyer for Your Automotive Scrap

Are you looking to get rid of your old junk car or auto parts but don’t know where to start? Selling automotive scrap can be a great way to make some extra cash, but it can also be difficult to find the right buyer. Whether you are selling an entire vehicle or just individual components, here are seven tips for finding the best buyer for your automotive scrap. With these tips in hand, you will have no problem getting top dollar for your unwanted vehicles and parts!

Call 317-218-7133 For Automotive Scrap Recycling in Indianapolis
Call 317-218-7133 For Automotive Scrap Recycling in Indianapolis

The Value of Automotive Scrap

Automotive scrap is a valuable resource that often goes overlooked. Junk cars and old auto parts that might otherwise end up in a landfill can actually be repurposed for a range of uses. In fact, automotive scrap is a significant source of raw materials for various industries, including steel production and manufacturing. Recycling old auto parts not only conserves resources but also reduces the environmental impact of waste. Moreover, automotive scrap can even be sold for a profit. Overall, the value of automotive scrap cannot be understated, particularly in a world where resources are becoming increasingly scarce.

How to Get the Highest Payout for Automotive Scrap

1. Do your research: Before you start searching for a scrap metal buyer in Indianapolis, take some time to do your research. Look at online reviews and talk to other auto owners who have had experience selling scrap in the past. This will help you get an idea of what buyers offer fair prices and which ones might be trying to low ball you.

2. Look for local buyers: For convenience’s sake, it is best to find a scrapyard that operates locally or within driving distance from your location. This way, you can easily deliver the vehicle or parts yourself instead of paying to ship them out.

3. Get multiple quotes: Once you have narrowed down your list of potential buyers, contact each one and request a quote for your automotive scrap. This will allow you to compare offers and select the one that is offering the best deal.

4. Consider potential expenses: When getting quotes, make sure to factor in any potential expenses such as shipping costs or taxes. The last thing you want is for a great deal to suddenly become more expensive than was originally advertised.

5. Ask about payment methods: Different buyers may offer different payment methods so be sure to ask what options are available before making a sale. You don’t want to have to wait weeks or even months before receiving your money!

6. Check for licenses and certifications: Before you finalize any business with a scrapyard, make sure they have all of the necessary licenses and certifications. This will ensure that you are not dealing with a shady buyer who is going to take advantage of you.

7. Read the fine print: When it comes to selling automotive scrap, make sure to read all of the paperwork before signing anything. This will help protect you from any unexpected surprises down the road.

In Summary

Selling your automotive scrap can be a great way to make some extra money, but it is important to do your research and find the right auto salvage scrapyard. By following these seven tips for finding the best buyer for your automotive scrap, you will have no problem getting top dollar for your unwanted vehicles and parts! Make sure to read all of the paperwork before signing anything so that you are fully informed about what you agree to. With these tips in mind, selling auto scrap should now be an easy task!

Want to skip the hassle of looking all around town for the best auto salvage yard? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to sell your automotive scrap in Indianapolis for cash on the spot! We serve all of Central Indiana and offer free junk car removal. Best of all, we pay more than the other guys!

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FAQS About Car Engine Flushes

Were you just offered a car engine flush at your recent oil change service? You may be wondering what an engine flush does and if you should get one for your car. Your confusion comes as no surprise, considering there are ongoing debates regarding the value of routine engine flushing.

Scroll down to review some frequently asked questions about car engine flushes and then determine if this controversial automotive service is right for your vehicle.

Auto Parts Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 317-218-7133
Auto Parts Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 317-218-7133

Frequently Asked Questions About Engine Flushing

What is an Engine Flush?

An engine flush is exactly what it sounds like. It is an automotive service designed to flush all of the residual residues and gunk out of your internal engine compartments. To perform an engine flush, a licensed mechanic pours a specialized concoction of chemicals into the engine, lets the motor idle for a few minutes, then drains the chemicals from the engine. Engine flushes are commonly performed in between oil changes. After the old oil is removed, the mechanical flush the engine, then commence with the oil change process by pouring a new motor oil.

Does My Car Need an Engine Flush?

As just mentioned, engine flushes are commonly performed at oil change services, between taking out the old oil and putting in the new oil. Although it’s always good to keep our assets clean, most automotive manufacturers advise against engine flushing, especially among modern vehicles. It is important to check with your owner’s manual for recommendations on engine care and service. It will tell you in clear language if your vehicle is compatible with engine flushing or not. So long as you stay current with your oil change schedule, you should never have to flush her engine.

When is Engine Flushing Recommended?

Engine flushing should be reserved for vehicles that have been sitting for many years without being driven or started, or for junked cars that are being restored. Engine flushes might also help when restoring or refurbishing an old motor. Other than that, engine flushing services are not recommended for actively driven vehicles.

Will I Damage My Engine By Flushing It?

Yes, engine flushing can cause internal damages to your motor. It is important to refer to your owner’s manual for recommendations on engine care and maintenance before implementing any questionable auto services.

Do Engine Flushes Improve Fuel Economy?

No, engine flushes do not impact the quality of your fuel economy.

Do you have a junk car or motor taking up valuable space in your garage? Why not sell it for cash on the spot? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 for free junk car removal in Indianapolis, Indiana. Not only do we pay cash on the spot for junk cars, but we also buy auto parts!

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Use This Penny Trick to Measure Tire Tread

Proper tire tread is important for driving safety and fuel efficiency. But what constitutes adequate tire tread? Brand new, most car tires have an average tire depth between 10/32” or 11/32”, and the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) recommends replacing tires when the tread has deteriorated to 2/32 of an inch or lower. But with such a small fraction at play, it is difficult to gauge this measurement by simply looking at your tires. Fortunately, there is a handy little trick you can use to measure your tire tread any day of the week! It’ll cost you though, but only a single penny!

Continue reading to learn how to use a penny to measure tire tread, plus some additional methods for measuring tire tread.

Sell Junk Car Parts Indianapolis IN 317-218-7133
Sell Junk Car Parts Indianapolis IN 317-218-7133

How to Measure Tire Tread With a Penny

Measuring tire tread with just a single penny is so simple even a child could do it! In fact, this is a fun trick to teach your kids, especially if they like to be little helpers around the garage or if they are older and preparing to learn how to drive. You already know you can find pennies all over your house, so grab a pile and keep a little bag in the garage or carport or even inside your vehicle. This way, you know you are prepared to measure your tire tread, whether at home or on the go.

The key to measuring tire tread using a penny is to keep the penny in the right direction. Here’s what to do:

❶► Turn your penny upside down, with the Lincoln’s head facing you.
❷► Insert the penny headfirst into the groove of your tire.
❸► Look for Lincoln’s head.

Can you still see Lincoln’s head? If so, your tire tread is low. In fact, it is lower than the recommended limit of 2/32 of an inch.

If you cannot see Lincoln’s head. After inserting it into your tire groove, you still have plenty of tread to work with.

Repeat this process on the remaining three tires. Keep in mind that tire tread can differ from tire to tire, even on the same vehicle. So, it is important to always check all tires.

Additional Tire Tread Measuring Tools

Although the penny tire tread trick is effective and reliable, you can get a more accurate measurement by using a store-bought device such as a tread depth gauge. Large trucks and commercial vehicles typically have tires with built-in tire tread wear indicator bars that will appear and present themselves when the tire tread reaches 2/32 of an inch. For all other vehicles, you can rely on a tread depth gauge, which is available at any automotive parts store or department store with an automotive section.

Is your vehicle beyond the value of paying for repairs, so now you just want to get rid of it? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to get a quote from an experienced Indianapolis junk car buyer who will pay you the highest cash payout for junk vehicles and parts in Central Indiana. We provide free junk removal!

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How to Dispose of Toxic Car Parts and Materials

Not all car parts and material are bad for the environment, the ones that are should be carefully disposed of according to all local, state, and EPA regulations. The top three most toxic automotive parts and materials are car batteries, old motor oil, and old gasoline. Continue below to learn exactly how to get rid of each automotive part, safely and within the boundaries of the law.

Car Battery Recycling Indianapolis IN 317-218-7133
Car Battery Recycling Indianapolis IN 317-218-7133

Old Gasoline

There could be many reasons why you have old fuel stores in your possession. Whether you are siphoning a junk car that is being prepared for salvage, storing fuel for lawn and construction equipment, or keep back up gasoline for your motorized bikes, it is important to periodically inspect your fuel to ensure it is still good for use. Gasoline and other forms of fuel do expire; and once expired, they lose their optimal function.

So, how do you throw out old gas and diesel? The answer is, responsibly. You must contact your local waste management center or garbage facility to inquire about the local regulations for fuel disposal. In most cases, you will be instructed to drop the fuel off at their disposal center. If they do not have answers for you, contact the city’s hazardous waste disposal program. They should be able to instruct you on your options. Regardless of which option you choose, you must have all fuel stored in government-certified containers, like the conventional red, plastic cans you see at gas stations.

Car Batteries

You might think car batteries are unsuspecting hazards, but the reality is that they pose several environmental threats if not disposed of properly. Old car batteries contain unsafe and toxic materials, like lead, sulfuric acid, and chemicals. To get rid of an old car battery safely and legally, you must follow the same steps as you would for old fuel disposal. Contact your local waste management center. However, car batteries are 100% recyclable, so your best course of action would be to take it to an Indianapolis auto salvage lot for safe recycling. You may even earn some cash!

Dirty Motor Oil

Dirty motor oil, if improperly disposed of, can cause a significant amount of harm to the local environment. To safely throw out dirty motor oil, contact your local Household Hazardous Waste collection center. Your community may have a designated oil collection tank or container for public use. If you do not have access to a community collection center, you may have luck with local auto repair shops, oil change garages, and service stations. Businesses like these sometimes advertise as an oil collection site, but typically charge a fee.

Do you have old car parts or an entire junked car that you would be willing to sell for cash on the spot? Of course, you would! Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to sell junk car parts in Indianapolis, Indiana. Get a free quote, today!

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How to Fix an Engine Clicking Problem

Your car engine should sound strong and healthy. It should not sound like it is struggling to run. Clicking noises are a common inquiry among drivers who wonder whether their car engines are on their last lap. Continue reading to learn what might be causing the clicking sounds in your car engine, how it can be repaired, and most importantly, how to solve an engine replacement budget conundrum.

Indianapolis Junk Car Buyers 317-218-7133
Indianapolis Junk Car Buyers 317-218-7133

The Problem With Engine Problems

Clicking and ticking noises are a common car engine issue, and one that requires immediate attention. The longer the noises continue, the more internal damage can be caused, which can ultimately total your motor. Additionally, car engine problems can have an impact on other automotive parts and systems, which can also impact fuel economy and cost savings. Overall, an engine problem is something that should be addressed right away, otherwise it will lead to further automotive damages and failures.

Diagnosing the Cause of Engine Clicking

Why is your car engine ticking away? Well, it could be for a number of reasons. From exhaust leaks and engine fan malfunctions to defective spark plugs, low oil pressure, ignition glitches, and even loose or sticky parts. It could just be from normal wear and tear from old age. It is important to have your vehicle inspected and diagnosed by a licensed mechanic to know for sure what’s behind your engine clicking problem.

Most Common Causes of Engine Ticking and Clicking:

Low Oil Pressure – Low oil pressure means that your vehicle does not have an adequate level of motor oil or has low quality pressure. With these two failures at play, certain internal parts are not properly lubricated, such as cam shafts, cam adjusters, rockers, and lifters. Topping of the oil usually helps, but you may need some minor parts replacements too.

Defective Spark Plugs – Faulty spark plugs could also cause a clicking or ticking noise if they are too old or improperly seated inside the engine. You can try to loosen and re-tighten your spark plugs to see if that stops the clicking. Otherwise, you will need professional spark plug replacement.

Loose Engine Fan – Loose parts within the engine fan, like blades, shroud, bolts, or clips, can cause ticking and clicking as the motor runs. To correct this problem, you will need to take your vehicle in to a mechanic for service.

Leaky Exhaust – Exhaust system leaks are common causes of engine noise, especially clicks. Leaks in the exhaust manifold are generally caused by a blown head gasket but can also arise from broken manifold studs and bolts.

Totaled Engine Could Mean a Totaled Car

If your car engine requires replacement, but the cost to purchase and install it exceeds the current market value of your vehicle, your car could be totaled. But not to worry. You can sell your totaled car to an Indianapolis junk car buyer and put that cash towards a new ride! You can also sell your broken car engine to a Cash for Cars Company in Indiana!

Are you ready to sell your totaled vehicle for cash on the spot? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to sell your junk car in Indianapolis for cash on the spot! We serve all of Central Indiana.

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