Detecting Transmission Problems: A Car Owner’s Essential Guide

Owning a car isn’t just about the freedom of the open road—it also comes with the responsibility of understanding its mechanical needs. One critical component that every car owner should be well-versed in is the transmission. Vital to your car’s performance, your vehicle’s transmission is a complex system that can indicate a variety of issues through specific symptoms. Here’s your in-depth guide to recognizing, understanding, and addressing potential transmission problems before they escalate.

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Call 317-218-7133 to Speak With a Licensed Scrap Car Buyer Near Indianapolis

The Importance of Recognizing Transmission Issues

Your car’s transmission is the conduit between the engine and wheels, allowing for the regulation of speed and power. Any interruptions in this system can lead to significant performance problems or even render the car non-driveable. Given this, being able to identify the early warnings of transmission trouble is not just a convenience but a critical aspect of vehicle safety and longevity.

Common Signs of Transmission Problems

Understanding your car’s transmission can save you from several headaches, literal and metaphorical. Recognizing the signs of transmission issues can help you diagnose and treat problems before they become catastrophic. Some of the most common indicators include:

Strange Noises: Grinding, whining, or clunking noises when you shift gears or during regular driving could signal worn-out gears, low fluid levels, or a failing torque converter.

Rough Shifting: A noticeable jolt or harshness during gear changes could indicate a problem with the transmission’s fluid pressure or clutch plates.

Delayed Engagement: When gear shifts take longer than usual or the vehicle seems to “slip” in and out of gear unpredictably, it is often a sign of internal wear or low fluid levels.

Fluid Leaks: Transmission fluid is essential for cooling and lubricating the internal components. Puddles beneath your car, especially ones of a red or brown color, mean that you may have a transmission fluid leak problem.

Each of these symptoms can worsen over time if left unaddressed, leading to increasingly severe issues with your car’s drivability.

The Impact of Ignoring Transmission Issues

By ignoring the signs of transmission problems, you not only risk the chance of being stranded on the side of the road, but you could also be setting yourself up for a costly repair bill. Transmission repairs are among the most expensive auto repairs, often costing several thousand dollars. Neglecting these problems can also lead to safety concerns on the road, such as difficulties with passing or merging, as well as a higher potential for accidents.

Costly Repairs: A complete transmission replacement can cost upwards of the car’s value, which is why early detection and resolution are crucial. Addressing issues promptly can often mean the difference between a minor repair and a full transmission overhaul.

Safety Concerns: Driving with transmission problems can be unpredictable and unsafe. A healthy transmission is necessary for maintaining vehicle control, especially in emergency situations or hazardous road conditions.

DIY Tips for Transmission Maintenance

Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to maintain your transmission in good working order and to address issues before they become a crisis.

Regular Fluid Checks: Transmission fluid is the lifeblood of your car’s transmission. Regularly checking the fluid level and quality can provide early indications of potential issues. Low fluid levels or dirty, burnt-looking fluid may indicate a leak or that a flush and refill of the transmission is necessary.

Professional Inspections: Having your transmission inspected by a professional during routine service appointments can help diagnose issues early. Professionals can also perform more in-depth diagnostic tests to uncover underlying problems that you might miss.


Understanding the complexities of your car’s transmission and the potential problems it may face is an essential part of car ownership. By monitoring your car for the signs outlined in this guide and taking proactive steps to address issues, you can keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely for years to come. Don’t wait until it’s too late; take the time to learn the language of your transmission and respond accordingly. Your car—and your wallet—will thank you.

Can’t afford to repair or replace your problematic transmission? Have you considered scrapping your car for its fair market value? We pay cash on the spot! Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to learn how it works when it comes to selling a scrap car for cash on the spot in Indianapolis. We provide free junk car towing, so all you need to do is call!

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The Average Cost of Car Engine Replacement

The humming heart of your car, nestled beneath the hood, epitomizes the soulful synergy that propels you on highways and in city streets. Yet, when that heartbeat falters and the storm of engine troubles hits, it’s essential to know the lay of the land. Whether you’re the operator of a trusty old sedan, the proud owner of a classic convertible, or the one who turns the key on a newly minted machine, understanding the potential financial gale of car engine replacement costs is more than a precaution—it’s a necessity.

For those who have been through many commutes and those who love the feeling of a new car, the process of engine replacements can be overwhelming. This detailed guide helps you understand the costs involved and provides strategies to save money when your car’s engine needs repair.

Call 317-218-7133 to Recycle a Broken Car Engine in Indianapolis
Call 317-218-7133 to Recycle a Broken Car Engine in Indianapolis

Understanding the Variables of Engine Prices

The price one pays for an engine’s renewed vigor is as varied as the vehicles it powers. It’s a sum as influenced by the type of engine—be it a robust V8, an innovative flex-fuel engine, a standard diesel, or the economic elegance of a 4-cylinder—as it is by the hands that fit it into your car. Labor, engine complexity, and the eternal debate of used versus new engines are compass points you must chart before setting sail for the garage.

Type of Car and Engine Size

A mass-produced vehicle seeks the sweet spot in the bell curve of cost and availability, which typically translates to a moderate engine replacement fee. In contrast, luxury and niche market vehicles often spike the price, a testament to their rarity and the craftsmanship required for their engines.

Labor Costs and Complexity

An engine swap is a delicate dance, with numerous components and systems entwined with the heart of your car. The more intricate the machinery, the higher the labor costs soar. Make, model, and year play a significant part, with newer advanced vehicles commanding sophisticated engine management systems that need expert hands and more time to manage.

New vs. Used Engines

The age-old debate isn’t devoid of wisdom. A new engine is pristine, assured of quality, but brand newness radiates steep price tags. Used engines, while more affordable, cast uncertain shadows on their history and preservation. The choice unfurls when assessing your vehicle’s future and your purse’s present.

The Cost of Engine Replacement

The financial challenges you encounter may range from a minor issue to a major crisis, depending on the scale of your car’s engine problem. The average replacement cost can lay between the cinders of $4,000 and the glowing embers of $8,000, flaring higher for premium lineages or the latest tech marvels.

A Wide Cope

The significant disparity between your potential budget and desired expenditure range is substantial. Basic replacements may fit the lower price range, while the premium high-end encompasses luxurious and sophisticated engine models, like those featured in sports and high-performance vehicles.

Comparative Sampling

Engine replacement costs paint a rich mosaic across the automobile industry, chiseled by factors such as the brand’s reputation, dealership or independent garage selections, and even regional economic disparities. You might notice the refined heart of a Honda, which stands in contrast to the price tag of a sturdy Ford, or the sophistication of an Audi that surpasses both in the realm of engine replacement finesse.

Incidental Influences

The impact of costs extends beyond the car model to the location of the garage you choose. Getting repairs done in urban areas can be pricier due to the economic environment, whereas an independent mechanic’s shop might provide a more cost-effective solution.

Tips for Saving on Engine Replacement

Knowledge plays a vital role in successfully navigating the myriad challenges that come with owning a car. Whether it’s understanding the intricacies of vehicle maintenance or making informed decisions about engine replacements, having the right information at your disposal can save you time, money, and unnecessary stress.

Regular Maintenance

The most enjoyable journey is one where you don’t have to worry about the expense of replacing the engine. By regularly changing the oil, checking the cooling system, and listening closely to the engine, you can postpone – or even avoid – the eventual engine wear that leads to expensive repairs.

Salvage Yards and Used Engines

“Pre-owned” doesn’t necessarily mean inferior quality. A carefully maintained used engine, salvaged from a vehicle, can breathe new life at a much more economical cost than a brand-new one. It’s a viable choice to explore, as long as one assesses its potential before encountering any mechanical issues.

Quotes and Comparisons

In moments of desperation, a single quote can be a beacon of hope. However, seeking quotes from various sources can unveil a range of prices, both surprising and delightful. This diversity creates a tapestry from which the most favorable cost can be celebrated.

Navigating the DIY Route

Having a precise approach to adding salt and a methodical mindset, choosing the DIY path sparks both excitement and financial benefits. Selecting engine replacements outside of professional services could reduce expenses by fifty percent, though not without potential risks and time commitment.

When Engine Costs Exceed the Value of the Car Itself

Stopped by the reality of a repair expense that exceeds the market value of your vehicle, it’s a tough financial situation. When cars are bound for the scrapyard, exploring alternatives beyond regular maintenance can shift the discussion to different solutions.

Salvage Sales and Total Loss Vehicles

When repair costs exceed the value of the vehicle, insurance companies usually step in. When cars are considered total losses, salvage yards provide an alternative solution. They offer a quick payout option, simplifying the process of evaluating cars and determining repair costs. For the under-insured, the scrapyard might be the final destination. It’s a place where the engine, and sometimes the whole vessel, ventures from the murky depths to salvage what it may.

In Summary

In summary, understanding the landscape of engine replacement is key to navigating the often complex and costly world of vehicle maintenance and repair. By being informed about the type of engine, labor costs, and the pros and cons of new versus used engines, you can make decisions that align with both your vehicle’s needs and your financial situation.

Additionally, exploring cost-saving strategies like regular maintenance, considering used engines from salvage yards, and comparing quotes can make a significant difference in managing these expenses. Remember, knowledge is your most valuable tool in ensuring that your car remains a source of joy and adventure, not financial stress. Stay informed, stay curious, and drive on!

Looking for a trustworthy auto salvage yard in Indiana that will provide the best possible price for your scrap vehicle? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to learn how it works when it comes to selling a totaled car for cash on the spot in Indianapolis. We provide free junk car towing, so all you need to do is call!

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The Unaffordable Cost: Overpriced Car Repairs and What to Do About Them

Owning a vehicle is a substantial commitment—not only in terms of the money spent purchasing your set of wheels but also in maintaining it. Car repairs can often feel like a financial black hole, where the costs mysteriously skyrocket, leaving budget-conscious drivers and car owners grappling with bills that, at times, seem to surpass the benefits.

Identifying whether you’re paying too much and understanding your options when costs overwhelm the value of your car are critical. In this piece, we’ll explore the real cost of overpriced car repairs and how to navigate this often daunting aspect of vehicle ownership.

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Call 317-218-7133 to Scrap a Junk Car in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Average Repair Costs

Before heading to a mechanic, it’s important to have a ballpark figure of what certain repairs should cost. For instance, catalytic converters and engines are known to be expensive fixes. As of my knowledge cutoff date, replacing a catalytic converter can cost anywhere from $750 to $2500, depending on the vehicle model and the price of the parts. An engine replacement is even more substantial, typically ranging between $3000 and $4000—and can climb even higher for high-end vehicles.

When Repair Costs Exceed Vehicle Value

There comes a point where it’s worth considering the adage of not throwing good money after bad. If the cost to repair your car exceeds its fair market value, you may be teetering on the brink of designating your car a “total loss.” This term is often associated with insurance claims where the cost to safely repair a vehicle overshadows the actual cash value (ACV) of the car itself.

Dealing with a Total Loss Vehicle

Understanding total loss vehicles and their ACV is crucial if you find yourself in this situation. The ACV—is the amount an insurance company will pay out if your vehicle is declared a total loss. This value considers depreciation and your car’s condition at the time of the damage.

However, what if you do not have any car insurance and your car is considered a total loss? You’re shouldering the weight of a decision without the safety net of an insurer to offer a payout for your car’s fair market value. In these cases, you might look into alternative avenues, such as selling your totaled car to an auto salvage yard in Indianapolis. Some salvage yards offer cash on the spot for total loss vehicles, providing you an escape from escalating repair costs and giving your car a second life in the form of recycled parts.

Practical Steps to Avoid Overpaying for Car Repairs

“Research and compare repair quotes to avoid overpaying,” advises John Doe, a seasoned auto mechanic with 20 years of experience. Here are actionable steps based on expert advice:

Get Multiple Estimates: Before you commit to any costly repair, shop around. Getting several quotes can give you leverage and a clearer sense of what’s fair.

Understand Your Car’s Value: Knowing your car’s worth can help you decide whether a repair is financially justifiable. Tools like Kelley Blue Book can provide insight into your car’s value.

Consider the Age and Condition of Your Car: If your vehicle is older or has a history of problems, investing in significant repairs might not be the best economic choice.

DIY When Possible: Some minor repairs can be done at home with basic tools and knowledge. However, know your limits to avoid further damage.

Ask for Old Parts: Request to see the old parts when they’re replaced. This can prevent you from paying for repairs that weren’t actually performed.

Negotiate: Don’t be afraid to haggle the price, especially if you’re well-informed about your car’s condition and the average cost of repairs.

Preventative Maintenance: Regular upkeep can prevent larger, more expensive issues from developing. Keep up with your vehicle’s maintenance schedule to avoid major repairs down the road.

If You’re Uninsured: Should your uninsured car face the grim fate of becoming a total loss, reach out to salvage yards or consider parting out valuable components yourself.

In Summary

It’s clear that understanding your rights, your car’s value, and the average costs of repairs is fundamental in the fight against overpricing. Armed with knowledge, vigilance, and a willingness to question—and challenge—costs presented, you stand a better chance at navigating car repairs with financial wisdom and perhaps save significant sums in the process.

Unable to afford an exorbitant auto repair bill? Is the cost of repairing your vehicle higher than its market value for resale? If so, Benjamin’s Junk Cars will buy your broken-down vehicle for cash on the spot so you can put some more money back into your wallet! Contact us at 317-218-7133 today to learn more and to receive a free over-the-phone offer!

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The Most Expensive Automotive Repairs You Want to Avoid

Owning a car can be likened to a double-edged sword – while it offers the convenience of mobility, it can also lead to unexpected and sometimes costly repairs. Some of these repairs can create such a significant dent in your budget that they are often referred to as ‘wallet wreckers.’ We’ve compiled a list of some of the most expensive car repairs that all car owners should be wary of.

Knowledge about these potential problems not only helps in prevention but also guides you in obtaining comprehensive car repair coverage. Stick around as we delve into these dreaded car repair costs that you’d likely want to avoid.

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Call 317-218-7133 to Sell a Junk Car to an Auto Scrapyard Near Indianapolis

Most Expensive Car Repairs

Transmission Issues

The transmission is one of the most vital components of a car. It transfers power from the engine to the wheels, allowing smooth gear shifts and efficient speed control. However, if left unchecked, transmission problems can cost thousands of dollars to repair or replace. Symptoms of a faulty transmission may include grinding noises while shifting gears, delayed response when accelerating, or leaking transmission fluid. To avoid these costly repairs, make sure to regularly check your transmission fluid and follow the recommended maintenance schedule for your car.

Engine Failure

The engine is the heart of a car, and any problems with it can be catastrophic. From minor issues like faulty spark plugs to major ones like a blown head gasket, engine repairs can easily cost thousands of dollars. Regular maintenance and timely replacements of worn-out parts can help prevent engine failure. However, driving habits also play a vital role in the longevity of an engine. Aggressive driving or ignoring warning signs such as unusual noises or vibrations can lead to expensive repairs down the road.

Electrical System Malfunctions

Modern cars are heavily reliant on electrical systems for various functions such as starting the car, powering accessories, and controlling the engine. As cars become more complex, so do their electrical systems. This means that any issues with the wiring or electronic components can result in expensive repairs. Symptoms of an electrical system malfunction include dimming headlights, difficulty starting the car, and warning lights on the dashboard. To avoid these costly repairs, make sure to regularly check your car’s battery, alternator, and starter.

Suspension Problems

The suspension system of a car is responsible for providing a smooth and stable ride. It consists of various components such as shocks, struts, and springs that work together to ensure the wheels are in constant contact with the road. Any issues with these components can result in costly repairs, especially if left unchecked. Symptoms of suspension problems include uneven tire wear, bouncing or swaying while driving, and difficulty steering. To prevent these costly repairs, make sure to regularly check your tires’ pressure and alignment and replace any worn-out suspension components.

Air Conditioning System Failure

In hot summer months, a functioning air conditioning system is crucial for comfortable driving. However, if this system fails, it can be a costly repair. Symptoms of air conditioning system failure include weak or no air coming from the vents, unusual noises, and unpleasant smells. To prevent these costly repairs, make sure to regularly change your car’s cabin air filter and have the air conditioning system checked by a professional if you notice any issues.

No Car Repair Coverage?

If you do not have car repair coverage and you cannot afford to repair your car out of pocket, consider selling it to a local scrapyard for an instant profit. Why sell a junk car to an auto salvage yard? There are so many benefits. For one, it can help you get rid of an eyesore on your property. You’ll also free up some much-needed space and earn extra cash that you can use to purchase a more reliable vehicle. Many junk car companies provide free junk car removal services, too.

final thoughts

Car repairs can be expensive, but some problems are more costly than others. By being proactive with maintenance and keeping an eye on warning signs, you can avoid these expensive repairs and keep your car running smoothly. Additionally, investing in comprehensive car repair coverage can also provide financial protection against unexpected and costly repairs. Remember, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to avoiding the most expensive automotive repairs.  So, take care of your car, and it will take care of you for years to come. 

Can’t afford to repair your car? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to sell a junk car in Indianapolis, Indiana for cash on the spot. We provide free junk car removal, so all you need to do is call and answer our simple questions!

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Blown Car Engine: Causes, Indicators, and Solutions

A blown car engine is a phrase that no motorist wants to hear. It often signifies a critical problem, leading to costly repairs or even a complete engine replacement. This blog post aims to shed light on the causes and indicators of a blown car engine and explore effective solutions to manage such situations.

We’ll delve into the complexities of car engine mechanics to understand what could cause the devastating blow to your vehicle’s heart – the engine, the warning signs to look out for, and what practical steps can be taken when the worst happens. Whether you’re a seasoned driver or a car novice, understanding these aspects can save you time, money, and potentially your vehicle.

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Call 317-218-7133 to Scrap a Car in Indianapolis Indiana

What Causes a Blown Car Engine?

A car engine is an intricate system with numerous moving parts and constant interaction between them. With regular maintenance, car engines can run smoothly for years. However, several factors can cause a blown car engine, some of which are preventable.


The most common cause of a blown car engine is overheating. When the engine runs at high temperatures, it can cause severe damage to internal components, leading to a blown engine. Most modern cars have built-in temperature sensors that trigger a warning light on the dashboard when the engine is running too hot. This warning should never be ignored and warrants immediate attention.

Lack of Oil or Low Oil Pressure

Another common cause of a blown car engine is a lack of oil or low oil pressure. Oil acts as the engine’s lubricant, keeping all the moving parts functioning smoothly. Without enough oil, these components can overheat and seize up, causing irreparable damage to the engine.

Faulty Belts or Hoses

Belts and hoses play critical roles in a car’s engine, keeping it running smoothly and efficiently. However, over time, they can wear out and break, leading to a blown engine. It’s essential to have these components checked regularly and replaced when necessary to avoid serious engine damage.

Overloading or Improper Maintenance

Overloading your car with heavy cargo or failing to perform regular maintenance on your vehicle can also lead to a blown car engine. When the engine is under excessive strain or not adequately cared for, it can cause severe damage to the internal components, leading to a blown engine.

Indicators of a Blown Car Engine

Early detection of potential engine issues is crucial in preventing a blown car engine. Here are some warning signs that could indicate your car engine is in trouble:

☑ Strange noises, such as knocking, grinding, or hissing sounds
☑ Engine warning light on the dashboard
☑ Decreased engine power and performance
☑ Thick smoke coming from the exhaust pipe

If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to get your vehicle checked by a mechanic immediately.

Solutions for a Blown Car Engine

Unfortunately, once a car engine is blown, there are limited options for repair. In most cases, a complete engine replacement is necessary, which can be a costly and time-consuming process. You may be able to lower the cost of a new car engine by selling your blown engine to a scrap metal recycling center or auto salvage yard. 

In some cases, a blown car engine means a total loss for your vehicle. This can happen when the cost of car engine repair or replacement exceeds the current market value, or actual cash value (ACV) of your car. In this case, you can also sell your totaled car to a junk car buyer in Indianapolis for cash on the spot, then put that cash toward a new ride.

How to Avoid Engine Breakdowns

Although there is not much recourse for a blown motor, there are some solutions that may help prevent a blown car engine or mitigate the damage if it does occur.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your car running smoothly and preventing serious engine issues. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, including oil changes, belt and hose replacements, flushes, and overall engine inspections.

Keep an Eye on Engine Temperature

As mentioned earlier, overheating is a common cause of a blown car engine. Make sure to monitor your engine temperature regularly using the built-in sensors or a separate gauge. If you notice the temperature rising above normal levels, pull over immediately and let the engine cool down before continuing.

Address Warning Signs Promptly

If you notice any warning signs of a potential blown car engine, don’t ignore them. Addressing issues early on can save you from costly repairs or a complete engine replacement in the future.


A blown car engine is a severe issue that no driver wants to experience. By understanding the causes and warning signs, you can take preventative measures to avoid a blown engine. Regular maintenance, monitoring engine temperature, and addressing warning signs promptly are all crucial in keeping your car’s engine running smoothly for years to come.

If the worst does happen, consult with a trusted mechanic for the best course of action to get your vehicle back on the road. Remember, taking care of your car’s engine is essential for its longevity and your safety on the road.  So, be mindful of these causes and indicators to keep your car running smoothly. 

Ready to wash your hands clean of that totaled car and it’s blown engine? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to sell your junk car in Indianapolis for cash on the spot! We serve all of Central Indiana with FREE JUNK CAR REMOVAL! And we pay more than the other guys!

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The Financial Implications of Major Car Damage

In the world of automobile ownership, major car damage such as those inflicted by fire or water can represent a significant financial hit. These catastrophes don’t discriminate, indiscriminately affecting both new and seasoned car owners alike. The burden of these damages can extend far beyond the immediate repair costs, encroaching on your peace of mind, financial stability, and future plans.

This blog post aims to shed light on the financial implications of major automotive damages, helping you to better navigate these unfortunate events and mitigate their impact on your financial health.

Call 317-218-7133 for Cash for Junk Cars in Indianapolis
Call 317-218-7133 for Cash for Junk Cars in Indianapolis

Preparing for Unexpected Major Car Damage

The first and perhaps most important step to mitigating the financial impact of major car damage is to prepare yourself ahead of time. As you never know when an unfortunate accident may occur, it’s important to have a plan in place so that you can act quickly if need be. Consider getting comprehensive auto insurance coverage that includes both collision and liability coverage, as this will provide you with a greater level of financial security while still being affordable.

It’s also wise to build up an emergency savings fund that can be used to cover the cost of automotive repairs in case of any major damage to your vehicle. This way, you won’t have to worry about taking on more debt just to get your vehicle back in working order. Ideally, you should have enough saved to cover at least a few months of expenses so that your financial situation won’t be severely impacted by the added repair costs.

Calculating the Cost of Repairs

Once you’ve had an accident or other unfortunate event that has damaged your vehicle, one of the most important steps is to figure out how much it’s going to cost to get it back in proper working order. This can mean getting estimates from certified mechanics or mechanics that have a good reputation, as general estimates can vary widely. It’s also wise to compare the costs of these repairs to the value of your vehicle so you can determine if it makes more financial sense to go ahead with the repairs or just opt for a replacement.

You should also keep in mind that there may be other hidden expenses involved in these repairs, such as the cost of a rental car while your own vehicle is being repaired, or the cost of taking time off work to deal with such inconveniences. These costs can add up quickly so it’s important to factor them into your calculations when determining the total cost of repairs.

Should You Repair or Replace?

When facing major auto damage, you have two main options: repair or replace. The decision of which route to take will depend on several factors, including the cost of repairs and the current value of your vehicle. Generally speaking, if the cost of repairs exceed your vehicle’s actual cash value, then it may make more financial sense to just go ahead and purchase a new vehicle. In such cases, a local cash for cars company will gladly pickup your junk car for free and pay you cash on the spot for it in return. All you need is proof of ownership, like a car title. Afterwards, you can put your earnings toward a new car.

Moving Forward After Major Car Damages

No matter which approach you choose to take in dealing with major vehicular damage, there are some steps that can help you move forward financially after the event. First and foremost, make sure to keep all receipts for any repairs or purchases related to the incident, as this will help when filing any insurance claims. You should also work on quickly paying off any debts that you may have taken on in order to repair your vehicle and consider ways of reducing future expenses such as shopping around for better insurance coverage.

In Summary

Major car damage can be a significant financial setback, but with the right strategies and preparation, you can minimize the impact on your financial health. From having comprehensive insurance coverage to building up an emergency savings fund, there are a number of steps you can take to protect yourself from the added financial burden caused by major automotive damages. By taking these steps before an incident occurs and following our advice after it does, you’ll be better equipped to handle any unfortunate events that come your way.

Unable to afford an exorbitant auto repair bill? Is the cost of repairing your vehicle higher than its market value for resale? If so, Benjamin’s Junk Cars will buy your broken-down vehicle for cash on the spot so you can put some more money back into your wallet! Contact us at 317-218-7133 today to learn more and to receive a free over-the-phone offer!

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8 Essential Tips for Dealing with a Car Breakdown on the Road

Getting stuck on the side of the road with a broken-down car can be one of life’s most stressful experiences. With no way to get home and potentially expensive repair costs looming, it pays to know how to handle such a situation. 

Below you will find 8 essential tips for dealing with a car breakdown on the road, so you can stay safe and minimize any damage or hassle. From knowing when to call junk car removal services or towing companies, to understanding what your insurance will cover if your vehicle is totaled, these tips will help you navigate this tricky situation like an expert!

Call 317-218-7133 For Free Junk Car Towing in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-218-7133 For Free Junk Car Towing in Indianapolis Indiana.

What To Do If Your Car Breaks Down

1. Take precautions to stay safe: If you find yourself stuck on the side of the road, make sure to use any safety measures available such as emergency lights and reflective triangles to alert other drivers. It’s also a good idea to stay inside your car until help arrives, especially if you are in an unfamiliar area.

2. Don’t attempt DIY repairs: It’s tempting in such situations to try to fix the problem yourself, but this could end up doing more harm than good. Unless you have extensive experience with car repairs, it’s best to wait for a professional mechanic before attempting any fixes.

3. Keep a roadside emergency kit in your car: Every car should have an emergency kit with tools and supplies such as jumper cables, flashlights, bottled water, and snacks. This will not only help you in a breakdown situation, but it’s also smart to have one on hand in case of any other roadside emergencies.

4. Call friends or family for assistance: If you find yourself stuck with no way to get home, don’t hesitate to call a friend or family member and ask them to pick you up. It’s always best to have someone with you in case of any further issues.

5. Check your insurance policy: Before you start making any arrangements, be sure to check your insurance policy in case of a totaled car. In some cases, your insurance may cover the cost of junk car removal services or even towing if it is needed.

6. Have a reliable repair shop in mind: Before any breakdown happens, it’s important to know a reliable repair shop near your area so you can quickly get help when needed. Ask friends and family for recommendations, and make sure to research any potential shop before taking your vehicle there.

7. Call a towing company if needed: If your vehicle is still in working condition, but you can’t get it to start, a towing company may be able to tow your vehicle to a nearby garage. Be sure to check with your insurance provider first though, as some policies will cover the cost of a tow.

8. Know when to call for junk car removal services: If your car is totaled and you need it towed away, call a cash for cars company for junk car removal service right away. They are typically more affordable than a towing company and can often get the job done quickly.

Manage Car Breakdowns Accordingly

To make sure you’re ready for any road hiccups, utilize these 8 essential tips. By doing so, you’ll be in a better position to manage car breakdowns and junk car removal services should they happen. Additionally, understand how your insurance will cover the situation too! That way, it reduces potential damage and stress that can come with being in an unanticipated predicament. Take precautionary measures now to safeguard yourself later – plan ahead of time for unfortunate events before they occur!

Is your car broken down for good but not covered under insurance? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to sell a junk car in Indianapolis, Indiana for cash on the spot. We provide free junk car removal, so all you need to do is call!

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Contact Our Indianapolis Auto Salvage Yard at 317-218-7133 Today!
Contact Our Indianapolis Auto Salvage Yard at 317-218-7133 Today!

The average car on the road today is nearly 11 years old, according to IHS Markit. That’s the oldest age ever recorded since the research firm began tracking this number in 1987. Since cars are lasting longer, it’s not surprising that repair and maintenance costs are on the rise.

3 Auto Repairs That Cost the Most

One of the most expensive types of repairs is engine replacement. This can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $5,500, depending on the make and model of the vehicle. Another expensive repair is transmission replacement, which can cost upwards of $3,000. Other costly repairs include suspension work, electrical system repairs, and cooling system repairs. These can all easily cost several thousand dollars to fix.

Understanding Engine Repair Costs

It’s no secret that car engine repair costs can be pretty high. In fact, they’re one of the most expensive repairs you can have done on your vehicle. But why are they so expensive? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons.

One reason car engine repair costs are so high is because there are a lot of parts that need to be repaired or replaced. The engine is a complex machine with a lot of moving parts. When one of those parts breaks down, it can be expensive to fix.

Another reason car engine repair costs are so high is because engines are expensive to begin with. They’re made up of a lot of intricate parts and require a lot of labor to assemble. That makes them one of the most expensive components of a car.

Finally, car engine repair costs are so high because engines are difficult to access. They’re usually located deep inside the vehicle, making it hard to get to them if something goes wrong. This can add to the cost of the repair.

Interpreting Transmission Repair Costs

Car transmission repair costs are high for a variety of reasons. First, the parts required to fix a transmission are expensive. Second, the labor required to replace or repair a transmission is also costly. Finally, the amount of time that it takes to fix a transmission can be significant, which adds to the overall cost.

There are a few things that you can do to try to reduce the cost of transmission repair. First, if you have a warranty on your car, make sure to use it. Second, get multiple estimates from different mechanics before deciding on who to use. Finally, try to find a mechanic who specializes in transmission repair – they may be able to offer a lower price.

Major Auto Repairs Versus Minor Ones

Of course, not all repairs are going to break the bank. There are plenty of relatively inexpensive repairs that can be done to keep your car running smoothly. For example, replacing a battery or changing the oil are both relatively cheap and easy to do. But if you’re faced with a major repair, it’s important to be prepared to pay the high cost. Rather than putting off repairs or trying to fix the problem yourself, it’s best to take your car to a certified mechanic and get a professional opinion. Doing so can save you money in the long run and help you avoid further damage to your car.

When You Cannot Afford to Repair Your Car

A total loss vehicle is one that has been so badly damaged in an accident or other event that it is not economically feasible to repair. When a car is deemed a total loss, the insurance company will usually declare it a “write-off” and pay the owner the actual cash value of the vehicle minus any applicable deductible. This can be a frustrating experience for the owner, who may have to find a new car on short notice. Fortunately, you also have the option to sell your totaled car at a local Indianapolis auto salvage yard. Professional businesses will pick up your junk car for free and pay you cash on the spot!

Ready to learn how much cash your junk car is worth? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to sell a junk car in Indianapolis, Indiana for cash on the spot. We provide free junk car removal, so all you need to do is call!

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Can I Reset the Check Engine Light in My Car?

An illuminated Check Engine Light on the dashboard of your vehicle could mean a lot of things. Some things are quite minor, while others might suggest you need a whole new car. If your Check Engine Light problem is something serious, it is critical that you have it repaired by a certified mechanic as soon as possible. Driving with the Check Engine Light on is dangerous, plus it can cause serious internal damage to the engine and more.

If for some reason you wish to clear the Check Engine Light on your vehicle yourself, there is an easy way to get the job done. Continue below to learn how to reset a Check Engine Light.

Sell Junk Car Near Me Indianapolis Indiana 317-218-7133
Sell a Junk Car in Indianapolis Indiana 317-218-7133

What is Your Check Engine Light Doing?

A flashing Check Engine Light indicates a serious engine problem, such as a bad catalytic converter. A solid Check Engine Light icon signifies a less urgent problem, such as a loose gas cap or defective spark plug. If your issue is something that can be done yourself, like tightening up the gas cap, go right ahead. For all other automotive problems, you will need a professional. A mechanic has the proper skills to read the Check Engine Light code, repair the problem, and clear the icon from your dash.

DIY Check Engine Light Clearing

Unless you have your own Check Engine Light code reader, you will not be able to reset the icon yourself. It is not recommended to ignore a serious mechanical problem and simply reset the Check Engine Light. Not only is this unethical if you want to sell the car down the line, but it is dangerous and only does more harm to the vehicle.

How to Reset the Check Engine Light

Was your problem minor, like a loose gas cap, and you fixed it, but the light won’t turn off? Do this:

Try disconnecting the car battery. Let it sit for several minutes, then connect it back up. This is known to work well.

At a steady pace, turn your vehicle on and off, three times in a row, driving a few miles in between. This usually triggers the onboard computer to reset itself.

You can also just drive for a while, without stopping. Often times, the onboard computer system will run self-tests and finally confirm that the issue is resolved, thus switching off the light.

Are you using a code reader?

Simply plug it in, select the Check Engine Light error code, and erase the code. Some code readers do not have this feature, but most will.

Did you clear a Check Engine Light code a long time ago, never repairing the vehicle, and now you want to sell it? Great news! Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to get a quote from an experienced Indianapolis junk car buyer who will pay you the highest cash payout for totaled cars in Central Indiana. We provide free junk removal!

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Should I Detail My Junk Car Before Scrapping It?

Consumer sciences might agree that better-looking goods sell for more. However, this supply-and-demand principle does not always apply to all types of sales. Junk cars might be an example. Many people naturally wonder if they can get more money for their junk car before selling it to a scrap yard in Indianapolis. The answer depends on a few factors.

Continue below to learn what those factors are, plus how to ensure you make the most cash for junk cars in Indiana.

Indianapolis IN Auto Salvage 317-218-7133
Indianapolis IN Auto Salvage 317-218-7133

Automotive Detailing Options

Automotive detailing generally involves a comprehensive and methodical series of steps that cleanses, sanitizes, and freshens up the exterior and interior of a vehicle. You can choose to take your vehicle into a professional automotive detailing center and pay between $75 and $600, depending on the size and scope of your vehicle. Or you can detail your car on your own using store-bought products, materials, and equipment. If you choose DIY automotive detailing, you can expect to spend anywhere between 1 and 7 hours getting the job done, plus upwards of $200 for the supplies. It can be a lot of work and still cost you.

The Value in Detailing a Junked Car

Junk cars are just that: junk. But in some cases, a junk car can still drive, be repaired enough to be drivable again, or contain major car parts that can be refurbished and resold on the used auto parts market. Depending on the condition of your junk car, detailing could add value and get you more cash at the scrap yard, or it can end up a complete waste of money.

Ask yourself these questions to determine if automotive detailing is a worthwhile expense for your junk car:

Will my junk car operate again with just a few repairs, even if those repairs are major like engine replacement? Is my junked car very old and corroded? Does my junk car have a bunch of garbage inside?

For junk cars that might one day operate again, detailing could be very worthwhile before scrapping it at a local Indianapolis auto salvage yard. As mentioned earlier, the better looking something is, the more money it will sell for.

For junk cars that are old, corroded, or filled with garbage, automotive detailing could be a huge waste of time and money. Instead, it is wiser to tidy your car up before taking it in for a junk car evaluation. Although it won’t increase the innate scrap value, the auto buyers will reduce any fees from your offer related to cleanup and bio-hazard removal. This puts more money in your pocket!

Before Selling a Junk Car

Although you do not need to detail your junk car before selling it, it is smart to clean it up a bit. Give it a wash, clean out any trash inside the cabin or trunk, and remove any personal belongings. Be sure to also remove the front and back plates, plus cancel the insurance and registration with the state. And that’s all you have to do before selling a junk car for cash in Indiana!

Are you looking for the best junk car buying company that can pay you the full value of your junked motor vehicle? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to sell your junk car in Indianapolis for cash on the spot! We serve all of Central Indiana.

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