Cashing In: Top Tips to Determine Your Junk Car’s Value

If you have a junk car gathering dust in your garage, you might be sitting on a gold mine without even knowing it. Contrary to popular belief, junk cars can be much more than an eyesore. They can be a source of actual cash value if you know how to determine their worth.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricate process of gauging the value of junk cars, offering you top tips that will help you cash in. Whether you’re looking to clear out space or simply want to earn some extra cash for junk cars, keep reading to discover how to turn your old clunker into a profitable venture.

Call 317-218-7133 to Speak to a Junk Car Buyer in Indianapolis
Call 317-218-7133 to Speak to a Junk Car Buyer in Indianapolis

What is Your Junk Car Cash Value?

The first step in determining the actual cash value of your vehicle is to assess its condition. Take a look inside and outside of your car, taking note of any rust or damage that may have developed over time. If you can, get an estimate from a mechanic who specializes in evaluating junk cars. This will provide you with a more accurate appraisal. Once you have a general idea of how much your car is worth, it’s time to start researching the market.

Auto Scrap Yards Near You

Check out local auto salvage yards in your area and compare their prices for junk cars. You may also want to consider online auctions or classifieds, as they can often offer higher rates than traditional car buyers. Researching what similar models and conditions are selling for is an excellent way to get a good idea of what you can ask for your junk car.

Junk Car Assessment

It’s important to remember that the value of junk cars will vary, depending on the type and condition of the vehicle. Cars from certain brands may be worth more than others, as well as those in better condition. You should also keep in mind that scrap yards will often charge an additional fee for towing and disposal.

In Summary

When it comes to cashing in on your junk car, the more information you have about its value, the better. Armed with these top tips, you can confidently determine how much money your vehicle is worth and start cashing in quickly. Now that you know how to get the most out of selling your junk car, you can bid farewell to that old clunker and enjoy the extra cash.

It’s worth noting that selling a junk car isn’t always as profitable as it may seem. Many people mistakenly underestimate the amount of work involved in getting rid of an old vehicle. From making sure all paperwork is in order before it leaves your possession to ensuring that the necessary fees are paid, be sure to take all of these factors into account before selling your junk car. With a bit of planning and research, however, you’ll be able to maximize the return on this venture.

Now that you know how to determine the value of your junk car and cash in quickly, what are you waiting for? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to sell a junk car in Indianapolis, Indiana for cash on the spot. We provide free junk car haul away, so all you need to do is call!

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FAQS About Car Engine Flushes

Were you just offered a car engine flush at your recent oil change service? You may be wondering what an engine flush does and if you should get one for your car. Your confusion comes as no surprise, considering there are ongoing debates regarding the value of routine engine flushing.

Scroll down to review some frequently asked questions about car engine flushes and then determine if this controversial automotive service is right for your vehicle.

Auto Parts Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 317-218-7133
Auto Parts Recycling Indianapolis Indiana 317-218-7133

Frequently Asked Questions About Engine Flushing

What is an Engine Flush?

An engine flush is exactly what it sounds like. It is an automotive service designed to flush all of the residual residues and gunk out of your internal engine compartments. To perform an engine flush, a licensed mechanic pours a specialized concoction of chemicals into the engine, lets the motor idle for a few minutes, then drains the chemicals from the engine. Engine flushes are commonly performed in between oil changes. After the old oil is removed, the mechanical flush the engine, then commence with the oil change process by pouring a new motor oil.

Does My Car Need an Engine Flush?

As just mentioned, engine flushes are commonly performed at oil change services, between taking out the old oil and putting in the new oil. Although it’s always good to keep our assets clean, most automotive manufacturers advise against engine flushing, especially among modern vehicles. It is important to check with your owner’s manual for recommendations on engine care and service. It will tell you in clear language if your vehicle is compatible with engine flushing or not. So long as you stay current with your oil change schedule, you should never have to flush her engine.

When is Engine Flushing Recommended?

Engine flushing should be reserved for vehicles that have been sitting for many years without being driven or started, or for junked cars that are being restored. Engine flushes might also help when restoring or refurbishing an old motor. Other than that, engine flushing services are not recommended for actively driven vehicles.

Will I Damage My Engine By Flushing It?

Yes, engine flushing can cause internal damages to your motor. It is important to refer to your owner’s manual for recommendations on engine care and maintenance before implementing any questionable auto services.

Do Engine Flushes Improve Fuel Economy?

No, engine flushes do not impact the quality of your fuel economy.

Do you have a junk car or motor taking up valuable space in your garage? Why not sell it for cash on the spot? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 for free junk car removal in Indianapolis, Indiana. Not only do we pay cash on the spot for junk cars, but we also buy auto parts!

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Your Steering Wheel Might Be Dirtier Than a Public Toilet

What do you consider to be the germiest, dirtiest everyday item you handle? Your kitchen sponges? The remote control to the television set? Maybe your dog’s toys? What about that touch-screen phone? Well, you would be wrong if you own and driver a vehicle. Steering wheels are one of the most overlooked germ-ridden commodities in society, even compared to things that are expected to be quite germy, like shopping carts, elevator buttons, and gas pump handles.

In fact, scroll down to learn some steering wheel hygiene facts that will truly blow your mind!

Junk Car Lot Near Me Indianapolis Indiana 317-218-7133
Junk Car Lot Near Me Indianapolis Indiana 317-218-7133

Your Steering Wheel is Probably Really Dirty

Considering the fact that the average American is reported to spend around 17,000 minutes in their vehicles, it is no surprise that we are transmitting a plethora of germs and other contaminants from our hands to our steering wheels each time we drive. This revelation becomes more concerning when you think about how often you clean the outside of your car compared to the inside.

In fact, according to a recent survey conducted by, data revealed that 32% percent of the car owners surveyed only clean the inside of their car once year! The same survey showed that 12% never clean the inside of the vehicles! Needless to say, that ultimate rewards membership you have at the local car wash isn’t doing your steering wheel any good.

 What is on Your Steering Wheel?

Use your vehicle to run errands, going in and out of stores in between each trip? Do you like to eat and drive? Do you have kids? Or pets that like to ride along with you in your lap? Do you pump your own gas? Do you wash your hands before leaving work? What about the gym? These are all the different places and scenarios in which you are transmitting germs and bacteria to your steering wheel.

The aforementioned survey also revealed that the average driver’s steering wheel is two times dirtier than an elevator button, six times dirtier than your touchscreen cell phone, and even four times dirtier than a public toilet. For little comparison perspective, WebMD’s “Grossest” List places smart phones at the very top. Insert gulp here. What about that gas station pump handle? Studies show that the average gas pump handle is more than 11,000 times dirtier than the average toilet seat.

It is important to understand that your steering wheel is likely just as dirty as other components in your vehicle that you touch on a regular basis while driving, including the gearshift, turn signal, radio buttons, navigation screens, and even those car keys. So, moral of the story is to keep some sanitizing wipes in your vehicle and regularly wipe down every touchable surface as needed!

Do you have a car that is so dirty and junked, you no longer want anything to do with it? Why don’t you sell it for cash on the spot? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to get a quote from an experienced Indianapolis junk car buyer who will pay you the highest cash payout for totaled cars in Central Indiana. We provide FREE junk removal!

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Have You Winterized Your Car Yet?

Winter has been in the making since December 21st of last year. Have you prepared your vehicle for the wintry conditions the season brings along with it in Indiana? If not, continue reading to review some top advice on how to winterize your car or truck, plus what you can do if the winter gets the best of your vehicle this year.

Totaled Car Auto Salvage Indianapolis 317-218-7133
Totaled Car Auto Salvage Indianapolis 317-218-7133

Automotive Maintenance to Prepare Your Car for Winter

When you want your vehicle to perform optimally through the winter in terms of safety and efficiency, it is necessary to implement specific automotive maintenance. Many industry professionals and enthusiasts refer to this as “winterization” or “winterizing a car.” The basic approach to winterizing a vehicle, whether car, truck, van, or sports utility, includes tire care, fuel stabilization, fluid fill-ups, and brake care.

Tire Care

The colder climate in winter can cause your tires to lose air at a faster rate. Not only should you inspect your tire pressure before every drive, but you should also have your tires inspected and serviced by a professional shop to ensure they are prepared for winter conditions. A tire rotation and balance are usually all you need, but you might have to replace a tire or two. Traction is essential when it comes to ice and show, so do not skip this maintenance!

Brake Care

Along with tires, your brakes are the most important safety feature on your vehicle when it comes to traction and control. Have your brakes inspected and serviced to ensure safe winter driving. You may need to replace your brake pads or rotors, or even refill your braking fluid.

Car Fluid Fill Ups

Your vehicle, no matter the make or model, requires 7 essential automotive fluids. Although windshield wiper fluid isn’t always necessary in the winter, the remaining six certainly are. They include motor oil, power steering, brake, coolant, battery, and transmission fluid. Be sure your vehicle is filled up before hitting the winter roads.

Fuel Stabilization

Sometimes the weather can get so cold, your fuel can freeze up or go bad, which can also affect the carburetor. This is more common in vehicles that are parked outdoors. Adding a fuel stabilizer to your tank can help prevent your fuel from gumming up, becoming contaminated, or freezing.

Has your vehicle seen too many winters and now it is a total loss? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to get a quote from an experienced Indianapolis junk car buyer who will pay you the highest cash payout for totaled cars in Central Indiana. We provide free junk removal!

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How Much Does it Cost to Replace a Broken Alternator?

Your alternator is a vital engine component because it is in charge of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy, which in turn is used to recharge all the electrically-powered components in your vehicle. This means that the alternator is also part of your vehicle’s electrical system. As you rev the engine, this mechanical energy is turned into electrical energy that powers your stereo, cabin lights, exterior lights, and even your car battery. If you are experiencing what seems to be engine or car battery problems, it could be an issue with your alternator.

Continue reading to learn how to detect the signs of a faulty alternator, and how much it might cost you to replace it if it’s broken.

Sell Junk Car Parts Indiana 317-218-7133
Sell Junk Car Parts Indiana 317-218-7133

How to Detect a Malfunctioning Alternator

On the most common signs of the malfunctioning or bad alternator is a reoccurring dead car battery. If your car battery seems to die every time you start your car every time you drive it, it could be an underlying issue with the alternator. After all, your alternator is one of the most significant components of your vehicle’s electrical system.

Accordingly, another common sign of a bad alternator is light failure. If your interior or exterior car lights are dimming or have gone out completely, your alternator could be to blame. If you have a faulty alternator, you may also smell burning plastic, which is indicative of burned internal components or wires within the alternator. This is a serious repair that requires immediate attention from a licensed mechanic.

Facts About Alternator Repair and Replacement

Your alternator is connected to your car engine and powered by either a timing belt or timing chain. If any of these components surrounding your alternator breakdown, you can begin to experience issues with your vehicle. In such cases, you would just require alternator repair.

The cost of alternator repair will depend on several factors, including the particular auto repair shop you choose, the complexity of the repair, the rarity or warehouse price of the part you need, and how long the repair takes. In most cases, you can expect alternator repair to cost between $75 and $300.

Car Alternator Replacement Costs

In almost all cases of a faulty or broken alternator, alternator replacement is the best option. The cost for this would be higher than alternator repair because you must purchase a whole other alternator, plus pay for labor, materials, subsequent parts, and anything else needed to complete the repair. The average rate for car alternator replacement lies between $200 and $700, depending on the make and model of the vehicle and all additional factors mentioned above.

Is your car beyond the value of repairing and now you don’t know what to do with it? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to get a quote from an experienced Indianapolis junk car buyer who will pay you the highest cash payout for junk vehicles and parts in Central Indiana. We provide free junk removal!

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Is it Expensive to Replace a Catalytic Converter?
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Central Indiana Junk Car Buyers
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What You Need to Know About Paying for Auto Body Work

Auto body work is not cheap. There is really no getting around paying a large sum of money to have any type of collision repair done after a car wreck or accident, especially for newer model vehicles or vehicles with parts that are no longer manufactured. So, to protect yourself from making a potentially risky financial decision, be sure you know a thing or two about paying for automotive collision repair. Continue below to get started with some auto body work advice.

Indianapolis Indiana Cash for Junk Cars 317-218-7133

Understand Your Car Insurance Policy Deductible in Full

One of the best things you can do to prepare for paying for auto body work is to understand your car insurance policy front to back. Make sure you know what your deductible is, which is usually around $500 or so. It is very common to increase your deductible for car insurance to $1000 in order to get better rates, so remind yourself of this before speaking with your insurance carrier after a car accident. Furthermore, if the car accident was your fault, be prepared to pay the entire deductible. If the car accident was someone else’s fault, be prepared to pay out-of-pocket for any repairs that you need in the meantime, because it can be a long time before you are compensated by the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Choose Your Auto Body Shop if Your Insurance Carrier Lets You

In many cases, insurance companies will provide a list of approved auto repair shops in your area, but not require you to choose from one. Some insurance companies make it a requirement for you to choose from their list of auto repair shops, but if yours doesn’t, that is a good thing. You see, it is common for auto repair shops to cut corners on insurance claim work because the negotiated rates they have with the insurance company are not good. So, it is better for you to look around and select your own preference of auto body repair shop.

Look Around at More Than a Few Auto Body Repair Shops in Your Area

Although it may seem excessive to request several estimates from multiple auto body repair shops in your city, when it comes to auto body work, it is quite necessary. Auto body work is not cheap, and even with insurance you will be paying a hefty fee. In order to get the best price possible from the highest quality body shop, you must go around town and request several estimates. Be sure to take notes as you go along so that you can remember what each auto body shop quoted you and the amenities they offer.

Sell Your Wrecked Car to a Local Indianapolis Junk Car Buyer if it is Totaled

A totaled vehicle doesn’t do you any good, especially if you don’t have any insurance coverage. If this happens to you, sell your totaled car to a local junk car buyer in Indianapolis, Indiana for cash on the spot. You can put this easily earned cash toward a new down payment for a new vehicle and be back on the road in no time. Just be sure to choose the most qualified and reputable Indianapolis Indiana Cash For Cars Company around.

Would you like to make fast cash for junk cars in Indianapolis Indiana right now? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to learn how to make instant cash for junk cars in Indianapolis, Indiana! We will pick up your junk car and haul it away for free!

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Central Indiana Junk Car Buyers
Central Indiana Junk Car Buyers 317-218-7133

Is it Expensive to Replace a Catalytic Converter?

A catalytic converter is necessary for any fuel-powered vehicle. If the catalytic converter goes bad, you must get it replaced. But because this vital automotive part is so expensive, it is common for the cost of replacing a catalytic converter to exceed the current market value of the vehicle in whole. In such a case, a car would be deemed a total loss by the presiding insurance carrier. If this happens to you, it would be more beneficial for you to sell your car or file an insurance claim for a totaled vehicle rather than paying to replace the catalytic converter.

Continue reading the learn more about catalytic converters, including their average cost and what to do if your car is a total loss after yours breaks down.

Indianapolis Cash for Totaled Cars
Indianapolis Cash for Totaled Cars 317-218-7133

The Importance of Catalytic Converters

Your car’s catalytic converter is so important because it filters the dangerous emissions produced by burning fuel. More than just a tailpipe, the catalytic converter is designed with an internal, honeycomb-like structure that inventively eliminates harmful emissions, thus protecting our surrounding environment from pollution. It also prevents your car’s muffler from billowing large clouds of smoke on the road, which can be very dangerous to other drivers.

Cost to Replace a Catalytic Converter

To get straight to the point, catalytic converters are not cheap. Because they are such an essential automotive component designed to perform a critical to perform such critical tasks, they must be manufactured from high quality, precious metals like platinum and titanium.  For this reason, they can only be so cheap.

On average, you can expect a catalytic converter to cost anywhere between $800 and $2,200 if purchased brand-new. This however does not include the cost of labor and any necessary parts required to perform the catalytic converter replacement job. When all said and done, the total cost to replace the catalytic converter can be as high as $3000. If you are purchasing a used catalytic converter, you can expect to save anywhere from 10 to 20%. However, you will still need to pay an auto repair shop to perform the work for you.

When Catalytic Converter Cost Exceeds Car Value

Sometimes, catalytic converters are so expensive they exceed the current market value for the actual vehicle. For this reason, it doesn’t make sense to replace the catalytic converter. Instead, it is recommended to turn your car over to your insurance carrier, or seller to a local Indianapolis cash for cars company. When you sell your totaled car to a local junkyard buyer, you get paid instant cash on the spot, which can be put toward a new vehicle purchase!

Are you ready to sell your totaled vehicle for cash on the spot? Contact Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to sell your junk car in Indianapolis for cash on the spot! We serve all of Central Indiana.

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Central Indiana Junk Car Buyers
Central Indiana Junk Car Buyers 317-218-7133

How to Sell Your Junk Car in Indianapolis Before the New Year Begins

After today, there is only one more day left in 2020! So, now is the perfect time to plan how you will start the upcoming year off. What better way to begin the new 2021 year than with a hand full of cash? Well, if you have a junk car, or any other type of motorized vehicle (tractor, dozer, forklift, etc.), then you can make this New Year’s Resolution come true!

Continue reading to learn how, or more importantly, where, to sell a junk car in Indianapolis, or Central Indiana, all before the New Year is here!

Central Indiana Junk Car Buyers
Central Indiana Junk Car Buyers 317-218-7133
Indianapolis Indiana Junk Car Buyers
Indianapolis Indiana Junk Car Buyers 317-218-7133

Start Your New Year With a Wallet Full of Cash!

Here at Benjamin’s Junk Cars, we are devoted to providing an unparalleled level of excellence that is far beyond and Central Indiana competitor. Not only are we true junk car buying professionals who retain the proper resources and technologies to accurately assess your junked asset, but more importantly, we retain the moral integrity and business ethics to offer you a full and fair payout for your asset’s true market value. Even better, we retain the sufficient capital to pay you what you deserve for your junk car, plus provide additional benefits that keep your money in your pocket!

We offer FREE TOWING and PICKUP with our in-house tow truck.

This means no extra charge to haul your junk car away, like so many other low-level cash for cars companies do! Typically, these companies deduct the towing fee from the price they quoted you for your junk car. Many times, they don’t even tell you there is a towing fee until after you receive your payment and it’s too late! Here at Benjamin’s Junk Cars, we never charge for towing or haul away of junk vehicles, nor do we ever deduct hidden or surprise fees from our junk car quotes.

There is NO MIDDLEMAN in our junk car buying operations.

This means that you get paid more because we don’t have to pay additional parties to assist us with our junk car buying operations. Most other cash for cars companies in Indianapolis do not have their own tow trucks, metal detection technologies, and weight scales, so they have to pay other businesses to provide this service for them, which ultimately and inevitably comes out of your total earnings. At Benjamin’s Junk Cars, there is no middleman in our operations because we retain our own in-house tow truck, plus the latest metal detection technologies, including platform electronic weight scales!

How to Get Started With Selling a Junk Car in Indianapolis to Us!

Just call our friendly Indiana junk car buyers at 317-218-7133 to get a quote for a junk car as soon as today. We serve all of Indianapolis and Central Indiana, and pay cash on the spot for all junk cars, regardless of age or condition. In addition to accepting junked, antiqued, or totaled vehicles, we also buy motorcycles, semi’s, RV’s, vans, farming equipment, construction equipment, and anything else that runs (or once ran) on fuel. With cash payments, free quotes, and free pickup, there is no easier way to sell a junk car in Central Indiana. Get started today!

Central Indiana Junk Car Buyers
Central Indiana Junk Car Buyers 317-218-7133

Is Now a Good Time to Sell a Junk Car?

If you have a junk car or other junked motorized asset, now is as good as ever to sell it to a local scrap yard. The key to making the most money from selling a junk car is not good timing, but rather, choosing the right junk car buyer to do business with. There are thousands of scrappers to choose from, but only a select few have the integrity, resources, and most importantly, capital, to provide excellent customer service and fair payouts.

Continue reading to learn how to choose the right junk car company in Central Indiana. If you live out of state, you can still use these company credentials as a standard for the buyers in your area.

Indianapolis Indiana Junk Car Buyers
Indianapolis Indiana Junk Car Buyers 317-218-7133

Benjamin’s Junk Cars is Your Top Choice for Selling a Junk Car in Indiana

Benjamin’s Junk Cars is a leading auto salvage company in Central because they are true professionals. Not only do we have decades of hands-on experience in the scrap metal and junk car procurement industries, but we are a family owned operation, so there is no middleman in the junk car selling process. These facts alone put more money into our client’s wallets! But wait; there are many more reasons you should choose Benjamin’s Junk Cars as your Indiana auto scrapper!

Why Choose Us

We pay the highest payouts for junk cars. Because we are a family owned and operated company, we have less overhead than most other junk car companies. This allows us to cut out the middlemen that are usually make the process more expensive, such as tow truck operators, accountants, metal refineries, and more.

We provide free towing to save you money. One middleman operation we are able to cut out as an independently-owned and operated company is a tow truck operator. We have our own in-house tow truck. Most companies deduct a towing fee from the offer they give their clients; but we do not charge a fee for towing, so you make more!

We have the resources to make accurate assessments. Our complex is equipped with electronic, flatbed weight scales that render pinpointed results on the weight and metal content of a vehicle. This asset, plus all our other advanced resources, let us pay the full and fair amounts for junk vehicles, in accordance with their current market value.

We take all motorized assets and commodities. If it was designed with a motor that runs on fuel, we will buy it from you. Aside from vehicles, we also buy motorized farming and construction equipment, motorcycles, boats, scooters, motorbikes, golf carts, and more. Best of all, we will take it regardless of age, make, model, or condition!

We pay CASH ON THE SPOT. Most other junk car companies will send a check in the mail weeks or even months after the original transaction. Some don’t even pay at all! But here at Benjamin’s Junk Cars, we pay cash, on the spot, the instant you hand over your junk asset.

How to Get a Free Quote for Your Junk Car in Indiana

Call Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to get a quote for your junk car. Our experience junk car buyers serve all of Indianapolis and its surrounding areas, and pay cash on the spot for all junk cars, regardless of age or condition. With cash payments, free quotes, and free pickup, there is no easier way to sell a junk car in Central Indiana. Get started today!

Call Today 317-218-7133

How Much is a Junk Car Worth?

Do you have a junk car taking up valuable space in your garage or driveway? Perhaps you have an old, rusty tractor or combine in the backyard that has been there since your Grandfather’s prime? If so, you are likely sitting on a small fortune! That’s right; you can sell your junk car, or motorized vehicle, to a local scrapper and get paid for it. But the profit you make will depend on a list of factors you need to know before getting started.

Continue reading to learn how much a standard junk car is worth, and how to ensure you get the highest payout for yours.

Central Indiana Junk Car Buyers 317-218-7133
Central Indiana Junk Car Buyers 317-218-7133

Estimating the Value of a Junk Car

Regardless of buyer, the value of a junk car is estimated by considering and quantifying three specific factors: 1) the current market prices for metal, 2) the types of metal, and 3) the quantity of metal. These three factors will determine how much a junk car is worth according to the market, which changes depending on supply and demand. The more high-priced metals within a junk car, the more it is worth.

So, what does this mean for your junk car? It means that there is really no telling how much you will be offered for your junk car until you have it professionally assessed by a local automotive scrapper. Not only do they retain experience in the automotive scrapping industry and understand how to confirm market values for metals in a junk car, they also retain innovative technologies that allow them to accurately assess the types of metal within a junk car, and the quantities of each. As a result, sellers get a fuller and fairer offer.

But do not be fooled by a local junk car buyer! There are many unethical auto salvage yards around. In order to ensure you get the most for your junk car, you must begin by choosing a professional and reputable junk car buying company. Be sure they have advanced equipment, and can offer you free estimates and haul-away service.

Simply Choose Benjamin’s Junk Cars in Central Indiana!

Call Benjamin’s Junk Cars at 317-218-7133 to get a quote for your junk car. Our experience junk car buyers serve all of Indianapolis and its surrounding areas, and pay cash on the spot for all junk cars, regardless of age or condition. We buy cars, trucks, motorcycles, farming equipment, construction equipment, and anything else that runs on fuel. With cash payments, free quotes, and free pickup, there is no easier way to sell a junk car in Central Indiana. Get started today!

Call Today 317-218-7133